IocTober Day 14 - Break Time Siren I thought the “knock off siren” was a thing of the past, but my friend Kevin, Stationer to The Stars, tells me that one of his clients enquired about replacing their aging “smoko time” siren (and also their punch card time clock, oh my goodness!). It turns out that RFID time clocks are readily available off the shelf, so we researched and suggested a model for Kevin to supply.

IocTober Day 13 - Visitor announcement This one is a little hard to illustrate.
If you have a home (or office) voice assistant, such as Amazon Echo or Google Home, or even a cheap chromecast dongle attached to a TV or stereo, why not have it announce your visitors?
At Accelerando we are all usually in the upstairs office or the lab, and visitors who arrive at reception can go unnoticed.

IocTober Day 12 - Dog bark eliminator Here’s twist on the cat-squirter project from Day 3. This time it listens with a microphone and squirts scented liquid for use in dog training.
My friend Ali asked for this one because her dog often stands at the top of the stairs and barks to be let into the bedroom. Ali and new husband Alex want to explain to Fido that This Is Not On.

IocTober Day 11 - Mini camera Did I just hear a truck back up in the loading dock? Is there somebody waiting at reception? How long until the washing machine is finished? Just what ARE those kids getting up to in the back yard? Is the new kitten scratching at the door? Is there a creep lurking outside my apartment?
How often do you want to keep an eye on something outside of your visual range?